East Nashvillian of the Year

East Nashvillian of the Year Awards

Each year, HENMA presents the awards for East Nashvillian of the Year by highlighting people and businesses who exemplify the best of all the positive aspects of life in East Nashville.
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2012 Winners

Business Award – The East Nashvillian magazine
Lisa McCauley has done an exceptional job creating a magazine about East Nashville. Every issue is like a collector’s item with great stories and vibrant pictures of our beloved neighborhood.

Citizen Award – Elizabeth Chauncey of East C.A.N. (Community Action Network)
Elizabeth started East C.A.N. – helping neighborhood stray dogs find homes, and also human neighbors in need.

The Historic East Nashville Merchants Association announces the winners of this year’s East Nashvillian of the Year Awards. 2012 is the 5th year of an annual award highlighting people and businesses who exemplify the best of all the positive aspects of life in East Nashville. There is one winner in each of two categories. The first is for a business or business owner that in 2012 portrayed the best of what East Nashville has to offer. The second award is for a private citizen who best symbolizes what being a good East Nashville neighbor means.

“East Nashville is full of great people,” said Tom Hadley, 2012 president of Historic East Nashville Merchants Association, “We wanted to acknowledge a couple of people who really stood out this year in making East Nashville a great place to live.”

Winners receive a $200 prize and the recognition at the first HENMA Board meeting of 2013. The Historic East Nashville Merchants Association is a business collective formed in 2003 to foster a cooperative spirit between businesses located in Historic Nashville’s East Bank Business District. Its member businesses work in concert with government and neighborhood associations to improve the welfare, commerce and quality of life in East Nashville.

2012 HENMA East Nashvillian of the Year nominees:


Carol Williams – Carol is a longtime resident and neighborhood pioneer who has led many efforts over the years, including recently Friends of Shelby Park. East Nashville wouldn’t have become the great neighborhood it is without Carol Williams.

Elizabeth Chauncey – Elizabeth started East C.A.N. – helping neighborhood stray dogs find homes, and also human neighbors in need. She goes above and beyond the call to help dogs and people.

Mark Miller – started a little running club called East Nasty that has grown into a phenomenon, and brings our neighborhood a lot of positive attention while inspiring neighbors to get in shape.

Tony Viglietti – Tony has been instrumental in beautifying the neighborhood and in particular has led the effort to plant trees along Riverside Drive and the renovation of the war memorial.


March Egerton – March has been key in the redevelopment of East Nashville for many years, owning and remolding the buildings that house many of our favorite destinations like Margot, Marche, Bongo Java, Ugly Mugs, Jeni’s, Silly Goose, Fat Bottom Brewery and many more, including several big projects in the works

Matt Charette – Matt took a chance on East Nashville with Beyond the Edge which has become a neighborhood staple, and has since expanded with great destinations like Drifter’s, Batter’d and Fried, and Watanabe.

The East Nashvillian Magazine – Lisa McCauley has done an exceptional job creating a magazine about East Nashville. Every issue is like a collector’s item with great stories and vibrant pictures of our beloved neighborhood.

The Skillery – Matt Dudley has created an inexpensive way for us to teach each other and to learn from each other. Skills from writing to brewing are taught and you are sure to hear more about this in the near future.

Past Winners

2011 Winners:
Business Award – Green Wagon
Citizen Award – Eric Jans

2010 Winners:
Business Award – Alan Murdock/ArtHouse Gardens
Citizen Award – Catherine McTamaney

2009 Winners:
Business Award – Dan Heller/Riverside Village
Citizen Award – Carol Norton

2008 Winners:
Business Award – Meg and Bret MacFadyen of Art & Invention Gallery
Citizen Award – Bob Acuff

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About Us

The Historic East Nashville Merchants Association is a business collective formed in 2003 to foster a cooperative spirit between businesses located in Historic Nashville’s East Bank Business District. Its member businesses work in concert with government and neighborhood associations to improve the welfare, commerce and quality of life in East Nashville, Tennessee.

Historic East Nashville Merchants Association

P.O. Box 60157
Nashville TN 37206

© Copyright 2025. Historic East Nashville Merchants Association. All rights reserved.

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